Wednesday, June 9, 2010


Did I say the fun begins? I forgot how much painting sucks. Priming metal is difficult. The first coat took forever as we kept removing half-dried paint from the interior walls by accident, and the primer didn't go on heavy in the first place. We painted directly on top of the original Zolotone paint, so we weren't painting directly onto aluminum, but still, it's trickier than wood or house walls. The second coat of primer went on much nicer. And the trim work took two to three coats by hand. Can't use a roller on the end caps either as they are compound curves. Joy.

As found...
The paint went on with two coats. We decided to keep the structural colors light to emphasize the space and the beautiful mahogany. I say "we" and it's a joint effort, but Brie is truly the lead with the interior decoration. She certainly has the assassin's eye for detail. We chose a color we knew we liked for the main interior color. It's called "Custard" and is a surprisingly rich color for one so light.

We had some leftover paint from some previous housework that blended well with the Custard color, and to conserve paint we chose to paint the inside of the cabinets and closets this complementary color, called Lemon Drops. Sounds like we're going to have a yellow on yellow beast, but you know those paint names don't mean anything. As we slowly ran out of paint, I suggested using both colors in the bathroom, and to alternate them so it look like it was done on purpose. Brie agreed it was a cool idea and the results are far beyond what either of us expected. Now the bathroom is a happy looking place compared to what it was before (see Plumbing post). Me likey.

As found...
As found...
We did a pretty good job with the painter's tape on the mahogany. What little paint crept onto the wood was a breeze to remove with a scraper or finger. To all that follow - sand and seal the wood FIRST because without the polyurethane coating on the wood, the paint spots would have been time-consuming to remove.