Tuesday, February 15, 2011

The Draw Bed Part Deux (Tetris Kickstands)

Check out this slick idea, courtesy of Brie. If you remember, we have a bed in a drawer. When we pull the bed out of the drawer it needs additional support, so we hinged legs to swing down under the corners. Well, we needed a way to keep the hinged legs up when we wanted to store them in the drawer. So... more hinges.

The new addition is the light piece. It's poplar, same as the dark piece, it's just unstained.

It swings to the side.

So the kickstand can slide out.

And then hinge down.

And support two very tired campers. The following photos are of the other side.

Hinged closed.

Swing to the side and release the kickstand.

Kickstand swings down.

And supports the bed corner. Pretty slick right? The cool thing is that it's very easy to do this blind. These photos are from the underside of the bed, but the bed is fairly low (like 18 inches high) so this makes it easy to reach down with one hand, feel for the hinge, swing it to the side and let the kickstand fall into place, supporting the bed frame. It folds up just as easily.

Thanks Brie! Great idea!

Below are two more shots of draw bed bling. The photo below shows the 1/4" plywood L-bracketed to the drawer-face of the draw bed, so that pulling the bed open won't bow the long drawer face out under duress. The L-bracket happens to be near one of the holes I drilled into the plywood to help alleviate any condensation issues from trapped moisture under the bed mattress (memory foam). Thes holes should help air circulate under us while we sleep.

And lastly, one of two draw bed locks. You must remember to secure everything in place like a boat when rebuilding the interior, since you never know what pitch, roll, or yaw the road might have. We couldn't have the draw bed sliding open on us during a sudden sharp turn. So now it won't. I actually forgot that I put these in place the other day and had a hell of a time trying to open the draw bed until I remembered these locks!