Another example of a small project. The bathroom counter needed priming and painting, and the counter top needed to be replaced. One quiet weekend I broke out the primer, waited for it to dry, then broke out the paint, waited longer this time for it to dry, then gave it two more coats. Results and efforts aren't Herculean, but now it's complete.
While I waited for paint to dry, I chose to cut the new piece of plywood that will replace the countertop. It was a little tricky to measure, but the plywood was easy to work with and it fits like a glove.Since the power tools were out, I decided to cut the replacement piece for the forward section shelf - the one that rests below the front window. It's from a mahogany veneer that we purchased a few months ago to help fix the wood on the dining booth, and it's pretty.
I also sanded all the gross green stain and mildew away from the structural piece that holds the shelf in place. Breaking out the sander always leaves me looking like this.